WARNING:Puff Bar products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, condition, or disorder and are not smoking cessation or nicotine replacement therapy products. The FDA has not reviewed these products, nor has it evaluated their safety or any of the statements made regarding these products. Puff Bar products contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive substance, and are intended to be used only by adults at least 21 years of age who use combustible cigarettes or other tobacco or nicotine vaping products. Do not use Puff Bar products if you are pregnant or nursing, if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, liver or kidney disease, throat disease, asthma, or difficulty breathing. Do not use Puff Bar products if you are taking theophylline, ropinirole, or clozapine. As with other nicotine products, use of Puff Bar products can increase your heart rate and blood pressure and may cause nausea or dizziness or aggravate existing respiratory conditions. Use of Puff Bar products may expose you to certain chemicals identified as harmful and/or carcinogenic, including aldehydes, volatile organic compounds, and metals.
ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery System) products containing nicotine are not available for sale in the U.S.A